LANDMARK: Narrow Band Imaging of Laryngeal Cancer
Article: Endoscopic diagnosis of laryngeal cancer and precancerous lesions by narrow band imaging
LANDMARK: Ni Classification for laryngeal cancer using narrow band imaging
Endoscopic diagnosis of laryngeal cancer and precancerous lesions by narrow band imaging
LANDMARK: Changes in Laryngeal Cancer demographics and treatment
Laryngeal cancer in the United States: Changes in demographics, patterns of care and survival
LANDMARK: The RTOG 91-11 Trial – Treatments for advance laryngeal cancer for organ preservation
Concurrent chemotherapy and radiotherapy for organ preservation in advanced laryngeal cancer
LANDMARK: Using Lasers for laryngeal cancer
Results of curative laser microsurgery of laryngeal carcinomas
LANDMARK: The VA Trial – Optimal treatment for advance laryngeal cancer
Induction chemotherapy plus radiation compared with surgery plus radiation in patients with advanced laryngeal cancer.
LANDMARK: Patient preference for speech versus survival in laryngeal cancer
Speech and survival: tradeoffs between quality and quantity of life in laryngeal cancer