Temporal bone fractures can be divided into:
- Otic Sparing
- Otic Violating
- Otic Violating Fractures
- 5 times more likely to have facial nerve injury
- 8 times more likely to have CSF leak
- 25 times more likely to have SNHL
- No statistical difference in CHL between otic sparing versus otic violating
Dahiya R, Keller JD, Litofsky NS, Bankey PE, Bonassar LJ, Megerian CA. Temporal bone fractures: otic capsule sparing versus otic capsule violating clinical and radiographic considerations. J Trauma. 1999;47(6):1079-83.
Little SC, Kesser BW. Radiographic classification of temporal bone fractures: clinical predictability using a new system. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2006;132(12):1300-4.