Lund-Mackay Staging of Rhinosinusitis based on CT findings

  • The sinuses are separated as follows and by side:
    • Maxillary sinus
    • Anterior ethmoidal cells
    • Posterior ethmoidal cells
    • Frontal sinus
    • Sphenoid sinus
    • Osteomeatal complex
  • Each system gets a score from 0-2 (0: No abnormalities; 1: Partial opacification; 2: Complete opacification)
  • Absent/aplastic frontal sinus gets a score of 0
  • Osteomeatal complex gets a score of 0: Not occluded or 2: Occluded
  • Right and Left scores are totalled for a minimum score of 0 and a maximum score of 24 (12 right +12 left)


Lund VJ, Mackay IS. Staging in rhinosinusitus. Rhinology. 1993;31(4):183-4.